
The virtual deck of cards in Martini Shot allows you to choose from a variety of decks, each with a different theme to match your movie preferences or expertise. We also update each deck as new movies come out, so your cards are always up to date. Each deck has three difficulty levels corresponding to your position on the game board. So the more you get right, the more difficult it becomes. Browse the decks below to get started.

Martini Shot

Featuring 1,780 movies (and counting) from all genres and decades, the deck we built the entire game around is perfect for cinephiles and movie buffs, especially those seeking a challenge.


This deck offers casual moviegoers an easier playing experience with 450 of the most well-known movies in Hollywood's history, just in case other decks are a bit too obscure.


Suspense, whodunits, spine chillers, and skin crawlers. If it doesn’t scare you, it’ll at least keep you on the edge of your seat.


Slapstick, screwball, or satire. From a light chuckle to in stitches, an airy rom-com to a dark comedy. Whatever the style, it'll make you laugh.


These emotionally charged movies tug at your heartstrings as complex characters navigate trials and tribulations, evolving and developing along the way.